How to Play Missionary Tag
Players: 7 to 61
Things needed to play:

Open space
7 or more players

Game Setup:
Everyone gets a partner and interlocks elbows except for the person who is “it” and the runner.  Form a circle with the players.

How to Play:

The person who is “it” chases the runner, trying to tag them.
The “runner” player locks elbows with a player in the circle, becoming safe.
The person on the other side of the runner must now run to avoid becoming “it.”

Players should think quickly and communicate with their partners to evade being tagged. The  game encourages teamwork and agility, making it a fun activity for all ages.

History of the Game:
In High School, we called it Missionary Tag as the game required you to have a companion. It  was a popular activity during recess, fostering both competition and camaraderie among friends.