Game: Spoons
Number of Players: 4 or more
Things Needed to Play:
Deck of Cards
Spoons (1 less than the number of players)
How to Play:
Shuffle a deck of cards and hand 4 cards out to each player.
Players continuously will pass cards clockwise to get 4 cards of a kind. Once 4 of a kind is achieved they will grab a spoon (stealthily or quickly) and the rest of the players will attempt to grab a spoon as well. The player that doesn’t grab a spoon is out and a spoon will be removed from the middle (think musical chairs). Cards will be shuffled again, 4 cards dealt to each remaining player, and the following will be repeated until 1 player and 1 spoon remains.
Each round someone new will start first.
On their turn, a player must do the following in order:
Draw a card from the deck and then discard an unwanted card to the player on their left.
Match Cards: The aim is to collect four cards of the same number. When a player achieves this, they may pick up a spoon.
Once a player picks up a spoon, all other players must race to grab the remaining spoons from the center.
The player who fails to grab a spoon is out of the game.
A Little History:
This is a game we’d play together as a family on Sunday’s after church that always was incredibly fun for me. The ten of us would get together around the table and wait for the matching 4 cards that would allow us to pick up a spoon. Usually the first person would be super stealthy in picking up the spoon leaving the rest of the players unaware for a time and it was fun to watch realization sink in and the race from there.